Waldorf Hotel Cafe

Waldorf Hotel Cafe
Waldorf Hotel Cafe--Designed by Scott Cohen--Built by Funhouse/PGC

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Cost of Light

Light is precious in Vancouver. It’s bought and sold on commodity floors. Stored in barrels. 
Produced primarily in Chinese factories and moved in freighters across the Pacific. Sunlight
is pumped through pipelines into giant silos off the coast. It’s released in increments to keep
the prices high. These prices are seasonal. In the winter few can afford proper illumination.
Last year sunlight was even too expensive for most of the mansions on the west side.
The demand in global markets inflated prices astronomically. This summer the bubble
appears to be bursting. Sunshine is suddenly cheap and readily available. The residents
of Vancouver’s poorest neighborhoods are enjoying a radiance from the sky. It is welcome.

The magic hour through the shop bay.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mass and Substance

For the past couple months my energy has been focused primarily on a literary/art project I'm involved with. I've been done the occasional job out of my shop to generate income (art still doesn't pay particularly well) but the majority of my time has been spent in front of my laptop creating Word Docx. Sometimes when I have too many crowding my desktop of these I create a folder to store them in.

I am accustom to producing things with physical mass. I base my productivity and success on how much space I have filled. How much wood has been cut into small pieces and then reassembled into larger pieces. Size, amount, and mass are all factors I use to determine value. I’ve realized I use these to determine my self worth. Writing has forced me to reevaluate what constitutes substance. The weight of ideas versus the weight of a cabinet. The weight of a word balancing a slab of maple…

The cabinets are stacking up in a reassuring manner