Waldorf Hotel Cafe

Waldorf Hotel Cafe
Waldorf Hotel Cafe--Designed by Scott Cohen--Built by Funhouse/PGC

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I hadn’t planned on a backsplash with this pedestal sink—originally the tap and faucet were going to come directly from the wainscoting but when they were hooked up the plumber had to cut a large hole to run his pipes and that hole needed to be covered up—so intro solid walnut backsplash!

I played a bit with a more angular shape mirroring the pedestal but it felt like the space needed more fluidity—I started messing around with curves and came up with a wave shape I liked—

I have one more piece for this bathroom I’m assembling at the shop—more black walnut—then a little trim detailing, rehang the modified door, and I’ll be able to post some photos of the finished product!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning



Spring cleaning over Easter weekend makes sense to me—rebirth, renewal, resurrection—all the “re” words—So today I cleaned the shop—I had three projects strewn across the shop space in various stages of completion and the layer of dust on everything was getting thick—

After having a coffee and breakfast wrap this morning I walked down the hill and got busy—I culled the hardwood cut off rack—vacuumed out the table saw and behind all the tools—I even vacuumed the rubber floor mats—as I was doing this I thought about the ways I’ve been cleaning out my life—getting rid of the excess and nonessential aspects to create focus on the fundamentals—spring cleaning is really about having a clear vision of what’s important—getting to basic essentials before summer’s clutter begins—

Now there’s just my apartment and my terribly neglected car—

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Black Walnut Moulding I Milled Up

After spending a month or more working on location at couple houses I was able to spend the last two days in the shop—when I am away from the shop for any considerable amount of time I begin to feel detached—spending my days in other people’s homes and acclimating to that environment—adjusting to the character of a certain house and accommodating the personalities contained within it—I know I am just a visitor—I’m a tourist with a working visa and like any traveler there is a sense of relief to come home, even briefly, and unpack—there’s comfort in the familiarity of the shop—the sound of the planer—the smell of varnish—catching up with my neighbors—tending at projects that have been left for far too long—I need this occasionally to reestablish my grounding and focus—to remember who I am and what exactly it is I do—

Monday I pack up again to do the finishing touches on a house that is close to completion—I hope I won’t be away too long