Light is precious in Vancouver. It’s bought and sold on commodity floors. Stored in barrels.
Produced primarily in Chinese factories and moved in freighters across the Pacific. Sunlight
is pumped through pipelines into giant silos off the coast. It’s released in increments to keep
the prices high. These prices are seasonal. In the winter few can afford proper illumination.
Last year sunlight was even too expensive for most of the mansions on the west side.
The demand in global markets inflated prices astronomically. This summer the bubble
appears to be bursting. Sunshine is suddenly cheap and readily available. The residents
of Vancouver’s poorest neighborhoods are enjoying a radiance from the sky. It is welcome.
Produced primarily in Chinese factories and moved in freighters across the Pacific. Sunlight
is pumped through pipelines into giant silos off the coast. It’s released in increments to keep
the prices high. These prices are seasonal. In the winter few can afford proper illumination.
Last year sunlight was even too expensive for most of the mansions on the west side.
The demand in global markets inflated prices astronomically. This summer the bubble
appears to be bursting. Sunshine is suddenly cheap and readily available. The residents
of Vancouver’s poorest neighborhoods are enjoying a radiance from the sky. It is welcome.
The magic hour through the shop bay.