Waldorf Hotel Cafe

Waldorf Hotel Cafe
Waldorf Hotel Cafe--Designed by Scott Cohen--Built by Funhouse/PGC

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Over the past few years I’ve been finding a place for myself and perhaps within myself—that place moves and it is a matter of moving with it—I’m thinking of this today because I brought home an armoire that had been at the shop for years and was trying to find its place in my bedroom— it’s a beautiful piece of craftsmanship and I knew it would work in that space but it was difficult to find its place in the room—I moved it around sitting with it each time until it felt whole and it’s that feeling of wholeness that tells me it’s right—this can be said about design and about life— As things change in the future perhaps that armoire will no longer feel a part of the room  and I’ll move things around again—There is a fluidity to design—a movement and current and when I’m aligned with it I know it’s what it’s supposed to be--

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